function Get-CACertificateDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves information about certificates from the Certificate Authority Database .DESCRIPTION This function will fetch items from a Certificate Authority Database. It can also fetch the public key of the certificates and the thumbprint which could be really useful when you want to use the certificates to for example encrypt something (like a credential in a DSC resource). Another useful scenario is to create monitoring of certificate expiration dates. .EXAMPLE Get-CACertificateDatabase -CA "\Issuing CA Contoso" -IncludeBinaryCertificate Fetch certificates from the CA instance and include the public key. .EXAMPLE Get-CACertificateDatabase -CA "\Issuing CA Contoso" -ValidTo (Get-Date) Fetch certificates that expires today. .PARAMETER CertificationAuthority The Certificate Authority instance you want to connect to. For example: '\Issuing CA Contoso' .PARAMETER ValidFrom Filter what certificates should be returned based on if they are valid at this date. .PARAMETER ValidTo Filter what certificates should be returned based on if they expire before this date. .PARAMETER Disposition Specifies which category to get the certificates from. Brief disposition code explanation: * 9 - pending for approval * 15 - CA certificate renewal * 16 - CA certificate chain * 20 - issued certificates * 21 - revoked certificates * all other - failed requests .PARAMETER IncludeBinaryCertificate This switch will enable retrieval of the public key of the certificates. #> [cmdletbinding()] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $CertificationAuthority, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [datetime] $ValidFrom = (Get-Date), [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [datetime] $ValidTo = (Get-Date).AddYears(2), [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $Disposition = 20, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $IncludeBinaryCertificate) BEGIN { } PROCESS { Write-Verbose 'Initiating com object' $CaView = New-Object -Com CertificateAuthority.View try { Write-Verbose "Connecting to $CertificationAuthority..." [void] $CaView.OpenConnection($CertificationAuthority) } catch { Write-Error "Failed to connect to the Certificate Authority instance $CA. The error was: $($_.toString())" break } $CaView.SetResultColumnCount(8) $index0 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Issued Common Name") $index1 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Certificate Expiration Date") $index2 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Issued Email Address") $index3 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Certificate Template") $index4 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Request Disposition") if ($IncludeBinaryCertificate) { $index5 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Binary Certificate") } $index6 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Certificate Hash") $index7 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Requester Name") $index0, $index1, $index2, $index3, $index4, $index5, $index6, $index7 | ForEach-Object { $CAView.SetResultColumn($_) } # CVR_SORT_NONE 0 # CVR_SEEK_EQ 1 # CVR_SEEK_LT 2 # CVR_SEEK_GT 16 $index1 = $CaView.GetColumnIndex($false, "Certificate Expiration Date") $CAView.SetRestriction($index1,16,0,$ValidFrom) $CAView.SetRestriction($index1,2,0,$ValidTo) # brief disposition code explanation: # 9 - pending for approval # 15 - CA certificate renewal # 16 - CA certificate chain # 20 - issued certificates # 21 - revoked certificates # all other - failed requests $CAView.SetRestriction($index4,1,0,$Disposition) $RowObj= $CAView.OpenView() try { Write-Verbose 'Fetching certificates...' while ($Rowobj.Next() -ne -1) { $Cert = New-Object PsObject $ColObj = $RowObj.EnumCertViewColumn() [void]$ColObj.Next() do { $current = $ColObj.GetName() if ($ColObj.GetDisplayName() -eq 'Certificate Hash') { $Cert | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'Thumbprint' -Value $($ColObj.GetValue(1).ToUpper() -replace "\s") -Force } elseif ($ColObj.GetDisplayName() -eq 'Binary Certificate') { $Cert | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'BinaryCertificate' -Value "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n$($ColObj.GetValue(1))-----END CERTIFICATE-----" -Force } else { $Cert | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty $($ColObj.GetDisplayName() -replace '\s') -Value $($ColObj.GetValue(1)) -Force } } until ($ColObj.Next() -eq -1) Clear-Variable ColObj Write-Output $Cert } } catch { if ($_.toString() -like '*CEnumCERTVIEWROW::Next: The parameter is incorrect. 0x80070057*') { Write-Verbose "No certificates matched the criteria in the database of $CertificationAuthority" } else { Write-Error $_.toString() } } } END { Write-Verbose 'Cleaning up...' $RowObj.Reset() $CaView = $null [GC]::Collect() Write-Verbose 'Function finished.' } }